Iconoclast is a game trailer I produced using Blender during my first year at university. This module was fairly short, leaving limited room for the development of an elaborate game concept. Consequently, I opted for more of a teaser trailer approach, designed to excite the audience without revealing too much, allowing me to focus on refining and polishing the trailer.

Overall, I'm quite pleased with the outcome, especially given the time frame in which we had to complete it. Given more time I would have loved to refine the trailer even more to make it better synchronize with the music.
Below are some work-in-progress images that show how I designed and produced the render.
Final Scene
Final Scene
Final Abstract/ Weird Scene
Final Abstract/ Weird Scene
Daytime Render
Daytime Render
Night-Time Render
Night-Time Render
Video Editing In After Effects
Video Editing In After Effects
Title/ logo Breakdown
Title/ logo Breakdown
Shader Breakdown
Shader Breakdown
Tree Design
Tree Design
Building Design
Building Design
Building Sketches
Building Sketches
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